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Chi Omega Gift Market 2022

We had a Blast for 4 days at the largest Gift Market in Dallas, Tx for the 2nd Year in a Row!

This year we decided to go with a corner booth and it ended up being the right decision. After the 1st day we did change our layout, which you can see in the pictures below. We learn something new everyday. 

We sold out of a few products and had wonderful conversations with many about our mission, products and future ideas. 

Most men and women have never worn shoes with all leather interiors. Many at the market got to experience this for the first time as they tried our shoes on, walked around and the smile on their face was priceless. Some loved our shoes so much they left with our displays instead of waiting for us to ship them a pair.
One top request for a new product was a cross body sling type bag or pouch. Many Kickstarter backers have also asked for this so we'll be looking into designing this next year after we complete our next wallet Kickstarter. Stay tuned!


Booth setup

Setting up booth

Showing Leon Collection to customers

Showing products to customersShoes displayed on shelves


Picture of booth


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